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Why Build With Us?

Strength & Durability 

Concrete has undoubtedly stood the test of time. The strength and durability of concrete structures have proven themselves over centuries. It should be no surprise that concrete homes are able to withstand 250-mile-an-hour winds and wind-borne debris. Concrete does not get damaged from water whether its a minor plumbing leak or a natural disaster.  Therefore concrete homes won't experience the tremendous issues that can come from trying to restore wood structures if there is ever water in the home.

Storm Resistance 

The storm resistance of concrete homes is #1 for people in hurricane and tornado zones. Concretes ability to stand up against tropical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, surges of water, high winds, and hail are surpassed by no other structure.

Safety: Fire Resistance 

Concrete has the highest resistance classification possible as an (A1) material. Materials that are classified as A1 are non-combustible (i.e. it does not burn) and has a slow rate of heat transfer. Since concrete does not burn - it cannot be set on fire and does not emit any toxic fumes when affected by fire. Concrete in the majority of applications, can be described as virtually fire proof.

Concrete homes are far more durable than wood-frame homes. They do not stuffer from many drawbacks that lumber homes struggle with. Such as termites, insects, rot, weather conditions and wear. Concrete homes are also far less likely to burn down or be affected by a hurricane or flood, therefor reducing the cost of insurance. Concrete homes have a building life expectancy of centuries.

Due to these important factors, insurance costs are anywhere from 27%-72% lower through construction and home ownership. On average a home owner can expect to conservatively save 20% on their home insurance policy. 

Due to concretes high natural thermal mass and the home's airtight structure, insulated concrete homes requires 30 - 40% less energy for heating and cooling.  As a home owner the benefits save up. Insulated air tight walls will effortlessly keep the home cool in the hot summers and warm through the chilly winters.

Compared to a wood-frame house, air infiltration can be decreased by roughly 75% by using concrete. With concrete you will say goodbye to a leaky home. Keeping your precious air conditioning from escaping in the summers and keeping cool drafts out in the winters. 

Faster Construction Time

Our concrete homes are built with pre-fabricated and insulated walls. Once proper planning and preparation has been completed the slabs can be manufactured and installed within 60 days.  These slabs once delivered to the site, can construct the home within two days. This process is much faster than building wood-frame homes. The shell of a concrete home can be completed in 2 months. With the proper planning and preparation prior to construction, the finishing's can be completed within 60-90 days. The total time to complete a precast concrete home is under 5 months

Construction Costs

Concrete homes historically came at a much higher price tag to construct compared to lumber-frame homes. Thanks to advances in technology, many components of concrete homes are now able to be pre-fabricated to reduce costs. As well, lumber prices have greatly fluctuated and increased significantly since 2017. Recently tripling the price of 2017 lumber. Both factors have made concrete homes more competitive and reliable in pricing.

Building Green + ECO Friendly 

Green construction not only requires less energy for heating and cooling but concrete houses also conserve resources by using far less lumber products. With concrete you are able to minimize waist, reduce excess materials

and conserve natural resources by using recycled materials instead.

Concrete does not need to continually be treated for termites. Therefore concrete homes are far superior in reducing toxic exposure to pesticides and other poisonous products used to protect wood-frame homes.

Concrete homes due to their natural thermal mass allow you to reduce the size and materials placed in the homes HVAC system. Not only does this reduce the demand on the environment, these new efficient systems can save up to 30%-40% in annual heating and cooling energy consumption. 

Non Toxic and hypoallergenic 

Concrete homes provide a healthy environment with fewer air-borne allergens, molds, mildew and contaminants than most wood-frame homes. Concrete homes are able to provide cleaner air quality for occupants while reducing their exposure to toxins such as pesticides making it a healthier and a green choice.

Noise Reduction

The mass of concrete greatly reduces the noise that enters the home. Regardless if its windy, a truck drives by, or construction is nearby, a concrete home will reduce the amount of noise you will hear in your home.

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